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About the CDE

Our Vision

The vision of the Centre for Digital Education is to empower staff to improve student learning through the best practice application of technology.

We will achieve this by Advising Staff, Training, Informing Policy Development, Evaluating of Emerging Educational Technology, Outreach and National and International Collaboration.


What is Digital Education?

Digital Education refers to both the delivery of education through digital technologies and also the education of those who teach to use digital tools effectively.

The subject of digital skills within UCC is a complex one. Consider, for example, some of the common IT tools and platforms used daily by UCC staff and students - MS Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, Agresso, DMIS, Terminal 4, SharePoint, QuickMinutes, Google Drive, One Drive, Canvas, Panopto, MS Teams, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, to name just a few of those currently in operation. The breadth of purpose of these tools is staggering as is the level of comfort people have with their operation.

Part of the vision of the Office of Vice President for Learning and Teaching is ‘of a university where effective and innovative teaching and learning approaches are fostered and supported’. Supporting staff to increase their digital skills is a key strategy in achieving this vision.

Similar challenges exist with undergraduate students, who often do not get the opportunity to increase their digital skills during their formal schooling. As digital natives, it is often assumed they bring with them to college a proficiency in the use of technology. Unfortunately, research consistently shows that the digital skills they have do not often match the demands placed upon them for studying at third level.

It is also incumbent on a modern third level institute to view education in a wider global context and to equip its graduates to continue learning as they progress into work and find their way in the world. Empowering them with the base digital and learning skills to continue this journey must form part of UCC’s vision for developing Independent Thinkers.


Digital Education Plan

UCC's first Digital Education Plan is set out on an internal UCC SharePoint site as a live collaborative project between all stakeholders. The plan is managed by the Head of Digital Education and overseen by the Digital Education Leadership Forum (DELF), established in late 2021 as part of the Office of Vice President for Learning and Teaching’s Quality Enhancement Plan1 following the Thematic Review of Teaching and Assessing with Technology Report.

This DE Plan was initiated in July 2023, following approval of UCC's Digital Education Principles on May 31st. The plan provides guidance as to how we intend to employ technology in support of our academic mission, which remains to deliver education principally as a campus-based university. 

Following initial development work under Actions 1.3.1 and 1.3.3 of UCC 2022, a Digital Education Plan is included specifically as a deliverable under Goal 2 of UCC’s Securing our Future - Strategic Plan 2023 – 2028: 


Goal 2.  Provide a student-centred, inclusive, and digitally enhanced learning environment, a Connected Curriculum, and an outstanding student experience, to prepare UCC graduates to make a positive impact. 


​​​​​​​Action 2.5:  Provide a digitally enabled learning and teaching experience, equitable to all, which incorporates Universal Design principles. 


Action ii. Implement the Digital Education Plan to provide an enhanced learning experience for all.


The Principles have been developed following an extensive consultation, research and benchmarking process during 2022, as set out in the Digital Education Plan Background Information document.  

Many thanks to all of those who took part in the workshops, attended meetings and provided verbal and written feedback along the way. We hope this plan reflects your thoughts and inputs.

A UCC Digital Education Principles is available for download.


About the Centre

The Centre for Digital Education (CDE) formerly known as Instructional Design was established on February 25th 2019. The CDE comprises of the Instructional Design team, a Digital Education Officer, a Digital Education Support Assistant and is led by the Head of Digital Education. The CDE sits with the Office of Vice President for Learning and Teaching.

Centre for Digital Education

Ionad um Oideachas Digiteach

Ard Phádraig, College Road, Cork,
